Lis Wheeler
My life-long love of the Berkshires and Stockbridge began when I was five years old, when my family began spending summers, weekends, and vacations here. At seventeen, I began college at Simon’s Rock in Great Barrington and chose not to move back to city life. The beauty of the Berkshires and all the natural resources here made it impossible for me to leave. My children were raised here in Stockbridge in the home my parents purchased in the late ’60s, and we are fortunate to care for a nice piece of land. As vacant parcels of land become more sparse, I realize there’s a need to hold onto these precious spaces before they are gone. My love of nature and for this community have led me to the Laurel Hill Association. It is my hope to do my part in helping to keep the beauty of the town and its open spaces intact. Many of our town’s children have left the area to pursue higher education. It is vital not only to invite them back, but to introduce our town to those who may not know what a beautiful and vibrant area this is. It truly takes a village to preserve the natural beauty and history of Stockbridge. I am honored to be a trustee of the Laurel Hill Association and to do my part!