Brian Cruey
Brian serves as Portfolio Director/The Trustees of Reservations for the Southern Berkshires overseeing Naumkeag, Mission House, Ashley House, Bartholomew’s Cobble, Tyringham Cobble, Ashintully Gardens, McLennan Reservation, Becket Quarry, and Monument Mountain. In an interview Brian talked about his background I have always had an interest in landscape design so, when I moved to the Berkshires in 2010, Naumkeag was my first stop among the many cultural sites this area has to offer. A few years after that first visit, The Trustees began the garden restoration of Naumkeag as part of the Cultural Resources Campaign, which would ultimately transform the property. I was so desperate to be a part of the amazing work I saw happening there that I relentlessly applied to just about every job that came up until they finally gave in and hired me in 2015 as the General Manager for Naumkeag and Mission House. Brian lives in Otis, MA with his Matt and his two dogs, Buddy and Mabel.